Loyno Career Mentors
Loyno Career Mentors is a strategic program designed to connect you with Loyola alumni for mentorship opportunities! The Career Development Center and The Office of Alumni launched the Loyno Career Mentor program - an initiative that helps connect Loyola Alumni and current students across the LinkedIn networking platform for mentorship opportunities. These alumni have indicated that they are excited about connecting with students to discuss career guidance and help students with the transition from college to work.
Whether students are seeking advice on a career path or best practices for a class project, the Loyno Career Mentor program can help students find and connect to the right person.
Career Mentors will be able to help you with the following via LinkedIn:
- Requests for informational interviews
- Share their career story and unique career path
- Discuss their specific industry, position, and company
- Review your resume and cover letter
- Provide advice and guidance about pursuing your profession, gaining experience, and identifying potential opportunities
- Answer career-related questions
How do I get started?
- First, you will need to create a LinkedIn profile
- If you haven't created a LinkedIn profile, this is a great time to create one. If you already have a profile, take some time to make sure it's up-to-date and it puts your best food forward - check out this LinkedIn Profile Checklist
- From your homepage, locate the search bar in the upper left-hand corner type in "Loyno Career Mentor" and press enter
- The next page will list the People results for "Loyno Career Mentor" - click "See All"
- Here you will see hundreds of Loyola alumni that have indicated in their LinkedIn profile that they are willing to connect with students to share their career story, provide career-related advice and tips, and answer questions about job or internship searching in their professional field.
- Click on "All Filters" to sort the list of mentors by any of the following:
- Industry
- Geographic location
- Specific companies
- Title
Have additional questions?
Contact Jill Boatright, Director for Career Development, at boatrigh@loyno.edu or 504-865-3864